Saturday, January 12, 2008

Another Apple Store, 7:57 p.m. - The Apple geeks are ugly

Seriously, I don't know if it is something in the water or what, but the Apple geeks up in here look like .... well, there's no way to sugarcoat this, real geeks. It is frightening in its truthfulness. I think I've stumbled into some sort of fanboy convention or something - because some of these dudes look like they still live in somebody's basement.

The one at the genius bar is wearing a pair of ratty tennis shoes and shorts and looks sort of schlubby. There's one at the far end greeting customers that is wearing a pair of aquamarine - yes, I kid you not - AQUAMARINE (not just a Britney movie!) - shorts and the navy blue Apple T-shirts. It is one of most clashy trashy combos I think I've ever seen. Maybe he's trying to match the shirts of the girls in the store - who all seem to be wearing that shade of blue. Oh no honey. IT AIN'T WORKING!

The geeks here are not friendly either. There are four of them clumped up in a big group over on the right side of the store - like wallflowers at a school dance. Then again - if they all started out as geeks, they're probably used to being wallflowers at a dance.

Awwwwwwww. I just got an Apple geek all frothy with the prospect of me buying one of those super-sleek keyboards. I want one so bad it hurts right down to my toes - but I have absolutely no use for it if I have a laptop. I mean really, I don't like external monitors and don't want to use one - it does tend to cut down on the whole "portability" thing - but oh. my. god. I love those little keyboards.

The music up in here is whizack tonight. It's some sort of rappy-thuggy-clash crap that I can't even begin to identify. I don't even know if it has an identifiable melodic stream.

The vibe here is really strange. I get the feeling that this is a low-traffic store - it certainly seems so - because it is Saturday night and there are nearly as many staff as customers - and there are only about 12 customers in here. The staff aren't doing much - although that is totally Apple's laissez-faire way of doing things - touch, feel, play - then ask for help. But really, there is an odd vibe. I can't pin my finger on it, but there's just no "excitement."

You know, I'm about to call them on this too. I can't save for **** on this here iMac. The Safari browser seems whacked.

OH. MY. KALI. There is a howler monkey acting all kind of a fool up in the Apple "discover" station. It is going around pressing all the buttons on all the computers just to hear the different Dr. Seuss sounds. I'm all for "the wonder of discovery," but you better sit your little spoiled and pampered behind down and discover, not keep running around and howling. I'm about to turn around and smack it. It's parents do not deserve the wonder of a Mac. Thou shalt be thrown out of the church of our Lord Jobs.

There is a bald man on the iMac next to me. He is staring very, very quizzically at something in the iLife suite. Hurr. He is bald at a young age too. Bald by style or bald by choice? You never know. It doesn't look good on him either.

Oh Lord. Here comes his weird-looking wife. She apparently tried to jam a memory card into an iBook and "somehow" wiped the memory card? Can you even do that? Don't you have to have a card reader? I really don't understand people sometimes.

They're yammering at the guy at the Genius Bar and I swear to Shiva I saw him roll his eyes. The woman is pouting and squinchy and going "I don't know, but it was new when I bought it." Really, Most things ARE new when you buy them.

And this is not going well. They don't like what they hear from the Genius Bar - because the computer is telling him a different story. I must have gotten only half that conversation. Oh. They just got quoted $300 to fix whatever problem they have. I swear it was just some kind of memory card. Oh. No. It's a power cord for an iPod. They broke the power cord for an iPod - and now the husband is talking loud enough for me to hear. It was the kid who yanked the cord out and actually damaged the slot on the iPod.

Reason number 8,997,235 not to mix howler monkeys and expensive electronics. One will always damage the other.

Peace out. Much love.


Anonymous said...

Your a dick.

Chris Silk said...

I love it when people on the Internet try to spread the haterade and they can't use proper grammar and punctuation.

You're (see what I did there? - I used a CONTRACTION - I joined the words "you" and "are") entitled to your (see what that is, the POSSESSIVE) opinion. I don't care if you think I eat babies on toast for breakfast. I don't. I hate howler monkeys. Baked, creamed, fried or on toast.

But if you are going to *try* to clown someone on the Internet for their opinions - you need to learn to spell - and use proper grammar - otherwise everyone involved is going to know that you are just a random idiot off the street and your opinions do not mean anything. Because obviously you can not put three words together without screwing that up. God help us all if you manage to breed!

Anonymous said...

"I love it when people on the Internet try to spread the haterade . . ."

Oh the irony. Or does spreading the haterade with good grammar earn a pass?

Anonymous said...

Just curious. Why is your "blog" called Twenty-one Minutes when your Clock-graphic-whatever is actually reading about thirteen till eight, unless you confuse the big hand with the little hand, then it might look like twentyone minutes till, but it's really not.

Anonymous said...

I am a frequent visitor to the apple store and i have never been more pleased with the service that I get from the Mac Specialist...Not Geeks! The Specialists are extremely knowledgeable and they are always willing to help in anyway possible. If you were to spend more time talking with the Specialist instead of sitting around blogging about how crappy you think something is you might find out that they are really awesome people. And by the way I do not see why what a person is wearing should really matter. And every Apple Store that I have been into is always busy. And hey if they arent that just means you get more time to talk with the specialist. So next time you go in an Apple store if you really have a problem with the way things are run you should talk to them they are always willing to listen. They are not ignorant to whats going on unlike some people!!

Anonymous said...

Just a thought.
People who live in glasshouses shouldn't throw stones. Tho' I don't suppose your self-hate will allow you the luxury of any such useful modus vivendi analysis.
FWIW sex tourism lifestyles like yours are a recipe best left untasted - the end result is a foul concoction of fear, loathing and self abuse.
If you are young - and you sound like a spoilt child with too many toys, then grow up and realise the world and your short lifespan here, is thankfully an infinitely mysterious opportunity for growth and learning and the gaining of wisdom; not just a cold plate of food for you to pick-over in a bored, desultory fashion. Your 'know everything, feel nothing' blog is tediously tragic.
If you are a grown-up version of the above, I worry for you... and so do lots of others here, too.

Anonymous said...

"I love it when people on the Internet try to spread the haterade and they can't use proper grammar and punctuation.

You're (see what I did there? - I used a CONTRACTION - I joined the words "you" and "are") entitled to your (see what that is, the POSSESSIVE) opinion. I don't care if you think I eat babies on toast for breakfast. I don't. I hate howler monkeys. Baked, creamed, fried or on toast.

But if you are going to *try* to clown someone on the Internet for their opinions - you need to learn to spell - and use proper grammar - otherwise everyone involved is going to know that you are just a random idiot off the street and your opinions do not mean anything. Because obviously you can not put three words together without screwing that up. God help us all if you manage to breed!"


Sorry about that. You're still a dick. Feel better?

Anonymous said...

I love your blog. I understand the grammar and punctuation, as it seems to be an effected speech pattern, though I would think it is not exactly how you normally speak. Keep blogging, puh-lease, and down with misbehaved howler monkeys!

zax said...

And now you are posting positive comments to yourself. HA HA HA.
Can you explain the clock cock up?
"Anonymous said...
I love your blog. I understand the grammar and punctuation, as it seems to be an effected speech pattern, though I would think it is not exactly how you normally speak. Keep blogging, puh-lease, and down with misbehaved howler monkeys!
JANUARY 13, 2008 5:55 PM