Saturday, January 5, 2008

My cubicle, 11:04 p.m. - Let me share with you it

So, the evil monkey butt nuggets at Comcast saw fit to destroy the tubes that power the InterWebz and throttle the pipes that bring forth the life-giving manna of the high-speed Internet.

The busted laptop I'm forced to carry around until I get a replacement has a janky power cord - and a battery that apparently has the staying power of a fifteen-year-old boy in the presence of Pamela Anderson - so I'm have been forced to come in to work to satisfy my desperate email craving. I feel like such a techno-junkie.

If this horrible situation goes on much longer, people are going to find me outside the Verizon store a few blocks from my apartment panhandling for wireless cards or something. "Hey brother, can you spare a text? What about a prepaid cell phone? Please mister? HAVE MERCY ON ME! I KNOW YOU HAVE TECHNOLOGY ON YOU!"

Anyway. I went to the Sonic and got a burrito. Word up - the steak, bacon & egg burrito is back, ya'll. That mess is so good. It keeps real good too. I like to get two and then I have a spare for breakfast. Then, seeing as how I wasn't doing much else on a Saturday night, I came to my domicile of drudgery.

There's only so much email and Google Reader you can do. At some point, you actually do reach the end of the Internet. Especially since my preferred method of passing time on the Internet - shopping - has been curtailed as of late, because, you know, I'm as poor in funds as Britney is in good sense. Anyway.

I get so much more work done when I'm not actually supposed to be at work. I think it has to do with the fact that I'm so much of a night owl anyway - and the whole eight-to-five schedule just does not agree with me. There's no one here, I turn the iTunes up and blast that stuff out at full volume. What do I listen to? The best of the pop tunes from the 80s & 90s, with a good dash of Mama Cass and the hits of the 60s thrown in.

My favorite song? Hard to pin down. A definite contender is Cher's "If I Could Turn Back Time." I bought a cassingle of that at a garage sale way, way, way back in the day and played it every single day for a year until the tape broke. My friends hated me. And hated Cher.

Lately I've been discovering more melodic music. I love piano music - and I wish I had the time to learn to play. Here's my theory on that. If I can type 80 words a minute, I can learn to play the piano - but I have short and fat fingers - and I can't hear music worth a damn. I bought a keyboard and three "Learn to Play Piano for Dummies" books and couldn't make heads or tails of any of them.

Maybe my brain just doesn't work the way musician brains work. I'm very process-oriented - in that I want stuff to make sense and operate in a logical fashion again and again and again. Still, I love piano music.

I saw that episode of "Dexter" with the Chopin references and loved that music. Unfortunately, it appears that everyone else did too - because there was apparently a run on Chopin at the public library. *grumble* Everyone else has the same idea of getting music for free .....

Anyway. What else do I listen to? Soundtracks to Broadway musicals. Current favorite? The soundtrack to the musical "Closer to Heaven." Music was from The Pet Shop Boys and the book was by acclaimed playwright Jonathan Harvey - who wrote "Beautiful Thing." I paid a small fortune to have it imported from the UK - and it may be out of print now - but I highly recommend it. The songs are beautiful, sexy, exotic and heartbreaking - especially the title track.

Anyway. Peace. Love. Understanding.


AtYourCervix said...

I sympathize with you on the wacked out power cord. I've been through 2 different ones in less than a year on this laptop. I swear, the circuits in the cord box just short out at the drop of a hat.

Oh yeah, and I bought a crappy Acer from Wally*World. It was fine until about one month after I bought it. Been downhill since.

Anonymous said...

LET THAT BE A LESSON TO YOU ALL: Do not buy product from Der House of Wal.

Seriously. Take it back. Demand that they give you warranty service on it. Cry, scream, act a total mother-effing fool up in that Customer Service. They will at least exchange it for a new one.

And then demand that they give you a "new receipt."

Then just take the new receipt and new computer to a different Wal-Mart and get your money back!

Anonymous said...

Pamela Anderson? You are showing your age. You should have said Jessica Alba, or Jessica Biel. :D

contessa said...

"IF I COULD TURN BACK TIME"??! I hope this is in jest. If not, my concept of this blogger is ruined forever. An across-the-canal neighbor of my parents' was obviously a big (BIG) Cher fan, and when he threw soirees - which, mercifully, was not that often - you could pretty much count on hearing this one blaring out the back of his lanai. On repeat. FOR FIVE HOURS. Did you know that canal water bounces and embiggens sound? Especially Cher? No? Well, now you do.